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Calathea Tigrina four inch pot

Calathea Tigrina four inch pot

Regular price $7.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.00 USD
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Calathea is a genus of tropical plants that are prized for their beautiful and ornamental foliage. These plants are native to the tropical regions of the Americas, particularly found in Central and South America. Calathea plants are popular as houseplants due to their striking leaves and unique patterns.


Calathea plants are known for their vibrant and colorful leaves, which often feature intricate patterns, stripes, and markings. The foliage of Calathea plants can come in various shades of green, purple, pink, and silver, adding a touch of tropical beauty to indoor spaces.


Caring for Calathea plants typically involves providing them with indirect light, high humidity, and consistently moist soil. These plants prefer warm temperatures and thrive in humid environments, making them well-suited for bathrooms or kitchens. Calathea plants are sensitive to direct sunlight and may develop leaf burn if exposed to harsh sunlight.


Regular misting, using a pebble tray with water, or placing a humidifier nearby can help maintain the high humidity levels that Calathea plants require. Additionally, it's essential to water Calathea plants with filtered water or allow tap water to sit out for at least 24 hours to allow chlorine to dissipate before using .

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