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Epipremnum Pittatum Cebu Blue in four inch pots. Photos b4 Shipping

Epipremnum Pittatum Cebu Blue in four inch pots. Photos b4 Shipping

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price $29.00 USD Sale price $12.00 USD
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Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' is a unique and attractive cultivar of the Epipremnum pinnatum plant, also known as the Cebu blue pothos or blue philodendron. This plant is prized for its stunning blue-green foliage and is a popular choice for indoor plant enthusiasts.

Here are some key features and care tips for Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue':

1. **Foliage**: The 'Cebu Blue' variety of Epipremnum pinnatum is characterized by its striking blue-green, heart-shaped leaves. The leaves have a velvety texture and can develop fenestrations (holes) as the plant matures.

2. **Light**: 'Cebu Blue' prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. However, the plant can tolerate lower light conditions, but its growth may slow down.

3. **Watering**: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out between waterings. Water the plant thoroughly when needed, but avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

4. **Humidity**: Maintain moderate to high humidity levels for the 'Cebu Blue' plant, as it originates from tropical regions. You can increase humidity by misting the plant, using a humidity tray, or placing a humidifier nearby.

5. **Temperature**: Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' prefers temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C). Protect the plant from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

6. **Soil**: Use a well-draining, aerated potting mix for the 'Cebu Blue' plant. A mix that retains some moisture but also allows excess water to drain away is ideal.

7. **Fertilization**: Feed the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring through summer).

8. **Pruning**: Trim back leggy or overgrown vines to maintain the plant's shape and encourage bushier growth. You can propagate cuttings to create new plants.

9. **Pests**: Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Regularly inspect the plant for any signs of infestation and treat promptly if needed.

Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' is a relatively low-maintenance plant that can add a touch of unique beauty to your indoor space. By providing it with the right care, you can enjoy its stunning foliage and watch it thrive.

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