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Netherlands Staghorn Fern in six inch pot. Photos b4 Shipping

Netherlands Staghorn Fern in six inch pot. Photos b4 Shipping

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Platycerium bifurcatum Netherlands 

1. **Appearance**: Platycerium bifurcatum is a striking fern with two distinct types of fronds. The sterile fronds are round and shield-like, while the fertile fronds are bifurcated or forked, giving the plant a unique and attractive appearance. The sterile fronds anchor the plant to a substrate, while the fertile fronds produce spores for reproduction.

2. **Habitat**: In the wild, Platycerium bifurcatum grows as an epiphyte on trees or rocks in tropical and subtropical regions. It can be found in rainforests, where it attaches itself to the bark of trees and absorbs nutrients and moisture from the air and debris that collects around its roots.

3. **Cultivation**: Platycerium bifurcatum is a popular ornamental plant due to its unusual appearance and relatively low maintenance requirements. It thrives in bright, indirect light and high humidity. Like other Staghorn Ferns, it is often mounted on a wooden board or hung in a basket rather than planted in soil. Care should be taken not to overwater the plant to prevent root rot.

4. **Propagation**: Platycerium bifurcatum can be propagated through division or spores. Dividing the plant or separating pups from the main plant is a common method of propagation. Propagation from spores is also possible but requires more time and patience.

5. **Uses**: In addition to being grown as an ornamental plant, Platycerium bifurcatum is sometimes used in landscaping and vertical gardens to add a unique and tropical touch to outdoor spaces. It can also be a conversation piece in a home or office due to its distinctive appearance.

Overall, Platycerium bifurcatum is a fascinating plant species that appeals to plant enthusiasts and collectors looking to add a touch of the exotic to their indoor or outdoor spaces. Its unique fronds and relatively undemanding care requirements make it a popular choice among fern lovers.

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