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NEW RARE Philodendron Tortum four inch pots. Photos b4 Shipping

NEW RARE Philodendron Tortum four inch pots. Photos b4 Shipping

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price $75.00 USD Sale price $25.00 USD
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Philodendron Tortum, also known as Philodendron bipinnatifidum 'Tortum' or Philodendron 'Hope', is a unique and eye-catching variety of Philodendron known for its deeply lobed, almost frilly-looking leaves. This plant is a member of the Araceae family and is native to Brazil.


Here are some key features and care tips for Philodendron Tortum:


1. **Leaf Structure**: Philodendron Tortum stands out for its deeply incised and highly dissected leaves, giving it an intricate and almost feathery appearance. The leaves are typically dark green and have a ruffled or wavy edge, adding to the plant's ornamental appeal.


2. **Light**: Provide Philodendron Tortum with bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant foliage. It can tolerate lower light conditions but may not grow as vigorously.


3. **Watering**: Water your Philodendron Tortum when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Ensure that the plant is not sitting in water to prevent root rot. Adjust your watering frequency based on the plant's specific needs and environmental conditions.


4. **Humidity**: Philodendron Tortum appreciates moderate to high humidity levels. Increase humidity by misting the leaves, using a humidifier, or placing the plant on a tray filled with water and pebbles.


5. **Temperature**: Maintain temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C) for optimal growth. Protect the plant from cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.


6. **Soil**: Plant Philodendron Tortum in a well-draining potting mix that retains some moisture but does not become waterlogged. A mix formulated for aroids or general houseplants is suitable.


7. **Fertilizing**: Feed your Philodendron Tortum with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Avoid fertilizing in the fall and winter.


8. **Pruning**: Regularly remove yellowing or dead leaves to promote new growth and maintain the plant's appearance. You can also prune to shape the plant or control its size.


Philodendron Tortum is a striking and unique addition to any indoor plant collection, thanks to its intricate leaf structure and ornamental value. With proper care, including adequate light, water, humidity, and temperature conditions, your Philodendron Tortum can thrive and become a focal point in your living space.

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