Philodendron Mican in four inch pot. Photos b4 Shipping
Philodendron Mican in four inch pot. Photos b4 Shipping
Philodendron micans, also known as velvet-leaf philodendron, is a beautiful tropical plant known for its velvety, heart-shaped leaves. Here are some key points about Philodendron micans:
1. Appearance: Philodendron micans has heart-shaped leaves that are a rich green color with a velvety texture. As the plant matures, the leaves may develop a bronze or copper hue.
2. Growth habit: This plant is a climbing vine that can be trained to climb a support or allowed to trail down from a hanging basket. It can grow up to several feet long in the right conditions.
3. Care requirements:
- Light: Philodendron micans prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.
- Watering: Water the plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry. Allow excess water to drain away to prevent root rot.
- Humidity: This plant prefers higher humidity levels, so misting the leaves or using a humidifier can be beneficial.
- Temperature: Philodendron micans thrives in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C).
- Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix that retains some moisture but does not become waterlogged.
4. Propagation: Philodendron micans can be propagated easily from stem cuttings. Simply take a cutting with a few nodes and place it in water or moist soil until roots develop.
5. Toxicity: Like many philodendrons, Philodendron micans is toxic to pets and humans if ingested. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.
Overall, Philodendron micans is a popular houseplant choice for its attractive foliage and relatively easy care requirements.