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Philodendron White Princess starter plants three inch pots.

Philodendron White Princess starter plants three inch pots.

Regular price $9.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $9.00 USD
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Philodendron White Princess is a rare and highly sought-after cultivar of Philodendron, a popular genus of tropical plants known for their attractive foliage. The White Princess variety is known for its striking leaves, which feature varying shades of green and white, giving it a unique and beautiful appearance.

Here are some key points about the Philodendron White Princess:

1. **Appearance:** The leaves of the Philodendron White Princess are typically a mix of green and white, with marbled or variegated patterns that make each leaf unique. The white variegation often appears as splashes or streaks on the green leaves.

2. **Growing conditions:** Like other Philodendron varieties, the White Princess plant prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It thrives in warm and humid conditions, so it's important to provide adequate humidity for optimal growth.

3. **Care:** To care for a Philodendron White Princess, ensure it is placed in a location with bright, indirect light, water it when the top inch of soil is dry, and fertilize it occasionally during the growing season. Regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to keep them clean and free of dust.

4. **Propagation:** Philodendron White Princess can be propagated through stem cuttings. Simply take a cutting with a few leaves and a node, place it in water or moist soil, and wait for roots to develop before transplanting it into a pot.

5. **Availability:** Due to its popularity and rarity, Philodendron White Princess can be difficult to find and may be more expensive compared to other Philodendron varieties. It is often sought after by plant enthusiasts and collectors.

Overall, the Philodendron White Princess is a stunning plant that can make a beautiful addition to any indoor plant collection, adding a touch of elegance with its unique foliage.

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