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Red Polka-dot Hypoestes three inch pot. Photos b4 Shipping

Red Polka-dot Hypoestes three inch pot. Photos b4 Shipping

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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Red Polka-dot Hypoestes, also known as Hypoestes phyllostachya, is a popular houseplant valued for its vibrant foliage. It is characterized by its colorful leaves that are typically covered in red spots or dots, hence the name "Polka-dot plant."

Here are some key points about the Red Polka-dot Hypoestes:

1. **Appearance**: The Red Polka-dot Hypoestes plant features oval-shaped leaves with a pointed tip. The leaves are usually green with red, pink, or white spots, creating a striking contrast.

2. **Growth**: This plant is relatively easy to grow and care for indoors. It thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. It prefers well-draining soil and regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist.

3. **Maintenance**: To maintain the plant's compact shape and encourage bushier growth, regular pruning is recommended. Pinching off the growing tips can help promote new growth and prevent legginess.

4. **Propagation**: Red Polka-dot Hypoestes can be propagated through stem cuttings. Simply take a cutting from a healthy stem, remove the lower leaves, and place the cutting in water or moist soil until roots develop.

5. **Pests**: Like many houseplants, Hypoestes phyllostachya is susceptible to common pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. Regular inspection of the plant can help detect and treat pest infestations early.

6. **Toxicity**: Red Polka-dot Hypoestes is considered mildly toxic to pets if ingested. It may cause mild gastrointestinal upset, so it's best to keep the plant out of reach of curious pets.

Overall, the Red Polka-dot Hypoestes is a beautiful and relatively low-maintenance houseplant that can add a pop of color to indoor spaces.

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