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Tradescantia Pink Nanouk starter plant in three inch pot

Tradescantia Pink Nanouk starter plant in three inch pot

Regular price $3.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $3.00 USD
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Tradescantia Nanouk is a popular houseplant known for its colorful foliage. It is a cultivar of the Tradescantia zebrina plant, also known as the Wandering Jew plant. Tradescantia Nanouk features striped pink, green, and white leaves that give it a vibrant and eye-catching appearance.

Here are some care tips for Tradescantia Nanouk:

1. Light: Tradescantia Nanouk thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. It can also tolerate low light conditions but may not grow as vigorously.

2. Watering: Water your Tradescantia Nanouk when the top inch of soil is dry. It's important to avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Allow excess water to drain out of the pot to prevent waterlogging.

3. Humidity: Tradescantia Nanouk prefers moderate to high humidity levels. You can increase humidity by misting the plant regularly or placing a humidifier nearby.

4. Temperature: Keep your Tradescantia Nanouk in a warm environment with temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). Protect it from drafts and sudden temperature changes.

5. Soil: Plant your Tradescantia Nanouk in well-draining potting soil to prevent waterlogging. A mix of peat moss, perlite, and potting soil works well.

6. Fertilizing: Feed your Tradescantia Nanouk with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce fertilization in fall and winter when the plant is not actively growing.

7. Pruning: Trim back leggy or overgrown stems to encourage bushier growth. You can also propagate new plants from cuttings.

8. Propagation: Tradescantia Nanouk is easy to propagate from stem cuttings. Simply cut a few inches of stem with at least one node and place it in water or moist soil until roots develop.

By following these care tips, you can enjoy a healthy and vibrant Tradescantia Nanouk plant in your home.

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